mental preparation How Mental Skills Training with Champion’s Mind Prepared Me to Go Pro "Mental training is THE game changer in sports performance and life." - Samuel Upshaw J, pro rugby player
game day pressure How to Help Your Athletes Handle Game Day/Race Day Pressure Handling pressure starts with what you do and say as the coach. If you learn to become a paragon of poise by staying calm and collected, your athletes will do likewise.
leadership mindset How To Deal With a Disruptive Player Before They Ruin Your Team’s Culture The first question to ask yourself is, “Does the player feel dismissed or undervalued by this new culture?” There has to be a reason why they’re acting out, and it could be because they’re feeling sidelined, excluded, or minimized.
injury recovery mindset How to Help Your Injured Athletes Get Their Motivation and Drive Back You need to learn to love your comeback more than you hate the setback. Your recovery is your new sport until you’ve healed, so embrace the challenge with the same level of dedication and commitment you usually bring to training and competition.
game day mindset 6 Ways Mindset Training Will Boost Your Team's Game Day Performance “Everyone has access to the same equipment and similar coaching and facilities, so it’s only our players’ mindset that can set us apart.”
student-athlete mental health Coaches: Here’s How to Help Your Athletes’ Mental Health "If you lead the way as their coach, it shows that you care about your players as people and removes the stigma that some athletes attach to discussing their mental health." - Dr. Jim Afremow, Champion's Mind
positive self talk How Positive Self-Talk Powered this Tennis Player to a College Title "I’ll say something to remind myself that I’m here for a reason and am capable of beating this person." - NCAA champion Brienne Minor
athlete confidence How an NCAA Tennis Champion Stays Confident and Committed "It’s in those times when you’re tired that you have to really push yourself, and if you have people to do it with you, you’re all in it together." - Brienne Minor, NCAA tennis champion
student mentoring The Mental Skills that Make Students Classroom Champions What I hope kids get from our athlete-mentors is that they need to keep grinding. Even looking back at my own career, the pattern was injury, injury, success, failure, failure, success. I would never have achieved anything if I hadn’t persevered." Olympian Steve Mesler
mental toughness Mental Toughness Exercises for Athletes One way to practice being mentally tough is to reframe things that you might normally think of negatively in a positive way. Take a situation you’d usually just try to get through and turn it into something to grow through.
Champion's Comeback An Olympic Champion’s Comeback "If you approach every day like it’s the Olympics, when you actually get there, you’ve already dealt with that kind of stress on a daily basis. So now it's normal." Steve Mesler, Winter Olympics gold medalist.
mental toughness How Mental Toughness Made a Good College Athlete Even Better "Mental toughness might not come naturally, but every athlete can develop it." Oregon Ducks pitcher Jordan Dail talks daily mental skills training.
athlete self-talk The Power of Positive Self-Talk The most powerful words we'll ever hear are the words we say to ourselves. You can either be your own worst enemy or best friend.
athlete visualization Seeing the Strike Out: How a Pitcher Uses Visualization on the Mound "The visualization part is huge for me, because the more I can see it and the more I can see myself doing it, the more successful I become. Then I have my best games." Softball pitcher Jordan Dail tells Champion's Mind creator Jim Afremow how she uses mental rehearsal to play her best and win.
student-athlete mindset The Mindset of a Star Transfer Student-Athlete "The more prepared you can be mentally, the greater the edge you'll have on your opponent." - Jordan Dail, Oregon Ducks pitcher
daily mental skills training The Competitive Advantage of Daily Mental Skills Training Developing a daily mental skills practice requires a tiny time commitment from athletes – just five minutes – yet yields enormous performance dividends.
COVID-19 coaching College Coaches’ Mental Skills Training Questions Answered As little as five minutes' mental skills training per day can help your team develop a gold medal mindset.
mental toughness Build Mental Toughness On and Off the Field Using the Champion’s Mind app is one of the first things I do in the morning. I think it benefits me by improving my mental training skills and it helps me to be consistently confident. And most importantly, it helps me to build mental strength just as much as I build physical strength every day.
goal setting Set Goals Like a Pro Soccer Player Mental skills were essential for me in college, dealing with two games per week, classes, training sessions, treatment, two-hour team meetings, and more. Goal setting, visualization, and deep breathing are the ones I used the most.
fortitude 20:20 Vision: Maintaining Your Mental Toughness This Year When Mayhem Strikes “I went back into an Olympic mindset, focusing on having the best training session I can today and using it to be better and get better.” - Michael Johnson, Olympic 200- and 400-meter
positive attitude Putting in the Mental Training Miles "I trust my training, I trust my plan, and, most importantly, I trust myself. I’m the one controlling the challenge and I’m unstoppable."
running tribe Pain is Inevitable, Suffering is Optional "The further the distance, the more the mental training really comes into play. You need a lot of tools in your mental toolbox to get yourself through those longer runs."
visualization Keeping Calm at the Start Line Learn how Irish national record holder Síofra Cléirigh Büttner overcomes race day nerves, used meditation to cope with student-athlete pressures, and visualizes winning.
mental skills 5 Ways for Busy Athletes and Coaches to Make Time for Mental Skills Training Just six minutes a day of using an app like the Champion’s Mind is all it takes to bring your cognitive game up to the same level as your physical one. Here are a few ways to start making this crucial commitment.